My Facebook, Myself by Jessica Helfand
In a recent interview on the Today Show, Mark Zuckerberg — the young founder of Facebook . . .
Seattle Public Library
Media today is more mediatory than ever, insinuating itself between us and everything else.
TED Long Beach Day One
TED meetings are always incredible, but after a day and a bit, I am amazed at the richness and strength, the depth and breadth of the presentations.
TED Long Beach, Days Two, Three, and Four
It would be very difficult to summarize the breadth and complexity of the TED experience.
The Transformation of Culture
I will call him Anthony. He arrived in Vancouver with a trunk full of DVD's.
Second Life
In the labyrinth of Cyberspace, an invisible design is at the heart of the system.
Second Life (2)
I posted an earlier piece on Second Life and talked about cyberspace and the metaphoric power of alternate "realities" within the context of communications networks.
Annual Question from The Edge
As an activity, as a state of mind, science is fundamentally optimistic.
Paradoxes of New Media (1)
The continuum that links real events with their transformation into images and media forms knows few limits.
Paradoxes of New Media (2)
To understand why New Media may have been convenient for both scholars and artists one need only look at the evolution of media studies.
Paradoxes of New Media (3)
I am not suggesting by any means that things have not changed. I am not saying that digital media are simply extensions of existing forms of expression.
Every Historical Period Sees Itself as Contemporary
Every historical period sees itself as contemporary. The inventors of the telegraph made many of the same claims as the designers of the Internet.
From community Media to international networks
This blog entry proposes to briefly explore the transformation from the local context of community media to the creation of national and international information networks.
Comment on New Media Conference
This was one of the most prescient presentations at the conference.