Founded in 1994 | Articles by Ron Burnett | Emily Carr University of Art and Design
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The focal point for many of the activities of the media be they mainstream or alternative can be found in the often different and varied ways in which media practitioners relate to the communities of which they are a part . . .
I will weave through a series of juxtapositions in this essay drawn from a number of experiences which I have had in the "field" of ethnography . . .
The many levels of mediation which go into the production, creation and interpretation of photographs suggest a great deal about how we categorize and make judgements about sight.
From the beginning of 2007 until the summer of 2017…
Edward Madojemu is a third year Media student at Emily Carr…
Founded in 1928, the CAA is both traditional and profoundly innovative.
Got a chance to interview Vancouver's arts & culture champion and my old boss at Emly Carr Sir Ron Burnett on the topic of Creative Leadership #FuelVan #thnkVan - with Ron Burnett at Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Company.
To think that we are a university of art and design! And, in being this unique and specialized place we are a rarity.
Many of the teaching tools described in this video foresaw today's use of technologies in all aspects of our lives. A fascinating time capsule.
A group of Presidents from Art Schools from all over the world attended a meeting in December at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Here are some pictures.
At the conclusion of a short piece on text, literacy and the Internet, Nicholas Carr suggests the following about the digital age: "Writing will survive, but it will survive in a debased form.
So....I ended up without my phone for two hours during the working day. It needed to have its battery replaced.
Social Media are being blamed for the development of closed tribal spaces in this, one of the most challenging political and cultural landscapes I have experienced in my lifetime.
There is a detailed analysis of Snapchat in the New York Times today that deserves a read.
One of the central metaphors at the heart of the activities of New Media, both from the creation and audience side, is “interactivity.”
internet • mobile phones • media studies • technology • interactivity • cinema • images • social networks • video games
I have been reflecting with sadness on the challenge of trying to bring…
Inlander was a brilliant draughtsman. In the early 1950’s renowned art critic and writer…
Inlander used windows in many of his paintings and from time to time…
This is one of Inlander’s most famous paintings, a self-portrait…
Inlander was fascinated with windows. Many of his paintings use windows to reflect on human vision, how we see and what moves us.
painting • images • photography • design • cinema • writing • television • creativity • performance • technology • architecture • music • research • video • craft
We are in the middle of a very messy period with Covid-19 in Canada…
A series of thoughts and notes during this time of isolation…
It struck me as ironic that Amazon bought Whole Foods just as the store was reaching the lowest point in its history and showing how superficial its understanding was of the customers who frequented it.
So here is the thing...Pokémon Go is a BIG event in the history of augmented reality…
"The world felt as if it stood behind glass, and I myself felt as if I were made out of glass…
Science is about speculation, investigation and often about results that even in their
culture & society • consumerism • entertainment • community • politics • music • law • history
Some years ago, I was a Professor of Film and Cultural Studies at McGill University. I taught a class I deeply loved with over six hundred students in it.